Training Teachers
Many schools, particularly in rural locations, struggle to attract qualified teachers. There is a shortage of teachers generally. This is compounded by the fact that many qualified teachers choose to work in more affluent areas of Ghana.
The Trust is supporting both its own Savannah schools and the whole district through a teacher training programme. You can view a video about this programme here.
Prospective teachers from the local area will be given scholarships to help fund their training. This will be on the understanding that, once training is completed, the teacher will return to work in Lawra District. The first teachers from this scheme have qualified and are working in the Savannah schools. Others are undergoing training.
Where funds allow, the Trust is also working with the local education authority to provide support and training for teachers. Recent examples include the funding of a two-week course to improve the quality of untrained teachers who carry the burden of much of the teaching in this region and a programme (in partnership with Lawra Teacher Resource Centre) helping teachers in the teaching of basic literacy.