Dear Supporters,

This time of year gives us a welcome opportunity to thank you for your interest in the work of Savannah Education Trust during 2012. We remain extremely grateful to you.

This is, of course, a time of year much anticipated by children in this country – not least because they enjoy a holiday from school.  The contrast with the children in northern Ghana is never more stark than at this season. When visiting Ghana recently, we asked a girl at one of our schools how she spent her school holidays. The answer was shocking. She travelled about 150 miles south to help with the yam harvest, spending days carrying yams in the merciless sun for the equivalent of under £1 a day. And the reason? To fund school books to help her studies. Continue reading “Christmas 2012 Newsletter”

Children of the Savannah – short film

Abu is a young boy living in a village near the Black Volta river in northern Ghana. He has no school to attend and his life is extremely difficult. His days are generally spent helping his parents, with household chores, with farming and with fishing. In periods when there is little food (particularly during the ‘dry season’) he is out in the savannah hunting for small animals to ease his hunger.

The story of Abu, and way in which Savannah Education Trust aims to help children like him, is told in this new film called Children of the Savannah. It can be viewed online, or is available as a DVD free of charge to supporters.

Notes of a visit to Ghana

In October 2011 trustees of the Savannah Education Trust visited northern Ghana.

It was an important, busy and memorable visit. We landed in Accra, Ghana’s coastal capital, late in the evening and, after a welcome meal and a few hours rest, set off for the north of Ghana soon after dawn.

We were again reminded of the remoteness of the region, spending 16 hours travelling – initially through attractive hill country and past stalls of bright and exotic produce.  Once past the bustling city of Kumasi in the centre of the country, the classic jungle eases into grassland (‘savannah’), the roads empty and the villages become noticeably poorer. The roads are dangerous, and we were thankful to arrive in Lawra late in the evening. Continue reading “Notes of a visit to Ghana”

Visit to Gberi

During November we received the following report from a British charity worker who had recently returned from Upper West Region of Ghana. She took the opportunity to see the new school building in the village of Gberi.

Constuction of Gberi School

“It was interesting to see how things were progressing with the kindergarten and P1 class (first year of primary school) up and running – the two classrooms with a roof on! Charles Karbo explained the layout of the buildings, how the central area would have a flag in the middle where the children would gather to start the day at school and plans for a sports field. We walked to the bore hole which he said gave a plentiful water supply so served to aid irrigation of local fields and a drinking supply for animals as well as the school and local community.”

“The quickest route to one village is across marshy ground so they are planning to create a raised walk way to make access quicker and safer for the children. Charles explained the school had been placed in a location central to a few settlements to make it accessible to all. The area seemed so peaceful and calm, the place had a lovely atmosphere. Wonderful to see a community working with what they have and making the best of things!”

As of January 2011, the building work at Gberi is reaching its final stages.